You know when you book into a Saturday morning class and as soon as your alarm goes off on Saturday you regret it? Well that didn't happen to me. I'd e-mailed Matt at Fitter London at the beginning of the week and he told me to just turn up to class and that there was no need to book. I had heard from the Fitness Freak team that I was in for an intense class. I still wasn't dreading it. I woke up before my alarm so ate my breakfast then strolled to the tube. I was pretty excited, despite being slightly fueled by last nights' cocktails.

I found the Fitness First where the classes are held. It wasn't until I queued up outside the studio where the previous Fitter London class was happening (10.30am circuits) that the fear began. The room was full of sweaty people working ridiculously hard. They were smiling and having fun but I instantly wanted to kick myself for the extra couple of cocktails last night, no matter how fun they were! On Saturday mornings Fitter London's classes happen at Fitness First. Very easy to find and the gym has nicest front of house staff I've met in a long time. Very friendly and really helpful. The first class is free and you don't have to book. But don't let that put you off or worry you because the studio is a good size and there is plenty of equipment for both the 10.30 and 11.30 class so you will get in.
The instructor, Matt, was really thorough and helped the newbies with technique but also made sure to push the regulars. I was told the format of the class changes on a weekly basis but that they work on lots of glute activation and abs/lower back. Which is perfect for me as I know my glutes can get lazy. The class also seems to target that under bum bit that appears when you've treated yourself to too many cakes... In the class itself we used giant kettlebells. Not the pretty, colourful ones I was used to. The weights are the same but they look like Russian weightlifting kettlebells. So I felt pretty awesome swinging them around. We partnered up and took turns to perform reps of different exercises. Whilst your partner is doing one exercise, you do another. The sections were between 5-8 minutes long so having a partner really helped you push yourself, as you knew you had to switch with them soon.

The class is different to any other kettlebell class I have taken before. I have never been in a class where so much attention is paid to the muscles that people don't know how to active. At the end of the class lay on mats and used the kettlebells to work on our arms, abs and backs and I could really feel everything engage properly. As a result I was able to challenge myself and use a heavier weight (when Matt passed it to me I thought he was mad, but I survived!). I absolutely loved the class. It was hard core and really works on endurance as well as strength. On Sunday morning when I woke up even my forearms ached, so you know it was a good class. I really want to try the circuit class next and think I may become a regular.
Best bit... The intensity of the workout
Worst bit...Not being able to book
Good for..abs, arms, glutes, thighs
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