Sunday, 8 July 2012

UNDERCOVER: Kettlebells at Gymbox - youch!

6.45pm Gymbox Holborn, 100 High Holborn, WC1V 6RD
Gymbox can be difficult to get in to classes as a non-member, but that's because it's so brilliant. Classes are free to Gymbox members - just book in to ensure you get a place - and about £8 for non-members.

Going to Gymbox is more like hitting a nightclub than having a workout. The music is pumping, the lights are flashing, the place has an industrial look (metal tubes and pipes on show) and the people look waaaay too cool to be exercising.  It's a frenzy of funky hairdos, the latest fluro kit and trendy high-top trainers...but the classes are also great, and a break from the norm. Whatever the latest exercise trend is, you're likely to find a class at Gymbox. Kettlebells are basically dumbbells but with proper handles so you can have a bigger range of movement.  The Gymbox website promises that this is the "Russian Military way to improve your core strength and muscular endurance", and if that isn't enough to convince you that this is hardcore, they go on to say that "this class will work every major muscle, build power and shred body fat". Shred body fat!? Bring it on!
 The main aim of the class is to swing these weights about like a lunatic (and not let go) whilst keeping a good strong stance. By swinging the weights, you're using your core muscles as well as your arm muscles as you lift, and your leg muscles as you balance and squat. Essentially, you feel like you’re working every muscle in your body, all at once.  The group was quite small (about 6 of us), but I assume that's because you're flinging weights about and you need a bit of space to do that! The instructor of the class was really attentive to everyone, and made sure he kept his beady eye on us at all times. That was necessary, as I kept waiting for him to NOT look, so I could wimp out and have a break when my arms started to ache! He made sure we were lifting correctly, so we didn't hurt our backs, and pushed us on when we looked like we might flake out. It was a very mixed ability group - a few newbies and a few regulars - but the moves seem to work for everyone - you just lift heavier weights if you're more experienced. 
We didn’t do too many reps of anything, so it wasn't boring, and the class was only half an hour anyway.  It was mainly standing moves but there was also floorwork to crunch those sides and abs, and slim the muffin top. I'm not going to be running back to the class, as it wasn't as much fun as something like Zumba.  But I did really feel it the next morning, which is not something you can often say after a 30 minute workout. I also think that classes like this are really useful, as now when I pop to the gym for a solo workout and a run on the treadmill, I have a few new kettlebell moves to go through that really work.

Some recent advertising from Gymbox that I love...

(can't wait to try the Yummy Bummy class)

Best bit: Learning some new moves.
Worst bit: The fear that the bloke in front of me might let go of his weight at the wrong time!
Good for: A quick yet effective workout.
Score: 7/10

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