Wednesday, 18 April 2012

UNDERCOVER: British Military Fitness

Outdoors exercise always seems like a great idea... in the summer, but one cold and windy Sunday morning I decided to brave it and join in with the British Military Fitness session at Wanstead Flats.

I turn up to find our instructor, decked out in camouflage cargo pants and I’m instantly worried. In front of him lies two buckets of bib, one blue one red. As I had registered for a free trial I hand in my form and am directed to the tub of blue bibs (blue is for beginner/average fitness levels).

We began with a warm up which consisted of some jogging and loosing the limbs... so far so good.  After about 10 minutes the running began. Not being an avid fan of running I was not looking forward to this one bit. I surprised myself. In pairs, one of us ran to the top of a mound and back 3 times whilst our partner did continuous sit-ups until it was our turn to swap. We repeated this exercise 3 times changing the sit-ups to press up and then burpees!! I hate burps…

The rest of the session included lots of partner/team exercises and some more of the dreaded running but the time just flew by. Before I knew it we were warming down with a good stretch session. I was surprised by how much I had enjoyed myself and my adrenalin was pumping. Although there was a group of around 20 people in the class, it felt like a lot more personal than I expected.

Overall I thought it was a fantastic, really fun workout which is suited to all fitness levels and really pushes you that extra bit.

Best bit – the serious lactic acid burn the next day but it was completely worth it
Worst bit – muddy hands and clothes
Time – 1 Hour
Overall – 8/10

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