Check out Boutique Sport and Boom Cycle for more details. I found out about the event by subscribing the Boutique Sport mailing list & responded as quickly as possible to secure a spot! (But as an undercover agent, I gave a fake name and wore a disguise!). Apparently, they were inundated with responses so had to put on two events in the same day!
If you havenʼt been to a spin class, you havenʼt lived. Itʼs one of my favorite ways of working out, and as someone who has struggled with creaky knees over the years, I know that cycling is a sure-fire way to build up the muscles that support your knee joint. Boutique Sport, the sports events company run lots of free events in London and they teamed up with Boom!Cycle in Shoreditch to run special Saturday classes recently, and you got a goodie bag with lots of lovely makeup, magazine, shower stuff & some Vita Coco as a reward too!
As with all good spin classes, the music was pumping, the room was dark like a nightclub, and you hop on, pedal away furiously and burn a gazillion calories. The difference with BOOM! Cycle is that you donʼt waste your time working only your lower body; you also use weights to exercise your upper body whilst pedaling on the static bike. You kill two birds with one stone, hurrah! The class could have been tougher, but thereʼs also no reason why I couldn't have cranked the resistance up on my bike, or used heavier weights, if I wanted to make it more challenging.

The instructor was really enthusiastic and encouraging, and looked the part. I actually overheard a girl say afterwards, that the instructorʼs perfect biceps kept her going when the class was tough! Iʼd say thatʼs a good point. I know some people find the constant pedaling tedious, but I love it. And, the addition of the arm and core exercises mean that itʼs not monotonous as all. The studio was perfect for spin - dark! The event was really well organised too.
You want a nice warm shower after a sweaty workout like that, but the changing rooms were packed (and the showers were almost communal) so I decided to get freshened up at home instead.
Best bit - getting more out of a spin class than usual (and the freebies).
Worst bit - not being able to get into the changing rooms/shower so leaving very sweaty
Good for - exercising with a nightclub vibe.
Score - 8/10